What are budgeting loans?
A budgeting loan is essentially a loan which provides extra money to those in society who are on benefits. This extra money is lent out in order to help people on benefits who are struggling to buy necessities and essentials. Unlike benefits, however, you will be required to pay back a budgeting loan. What can a budgeting loan help you pay for? Furniture Household equipment Rent in advance Costs which
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Is a secured loan the right option for me?
Are you currently thinking about making an application for credit, but are unsure as to whether or not you should apply for a secured or unsecured loan? In order to help you make the right decision, we have put together a guide on everything that you need to know about secured loans so you can decide if this will be suitable in your circumstances. What is a secured loan? To
Read MoreThe five most common pension scams
It is estimated that the total amount of money that ends up being lost by pensioners to scammers is increasing year on year. In fact, it has more than doubled in just a year alone, meaning that on average £23 million is lost, which per victim, amounts to an astonishing £91,000 in total. One of the worst things about this is that in the majority of cases it is is
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Questions to expect from mortgage lenders
Are you planning in the not so distant future to get on the property ladder and purchase your first home, or perhaps you already have a mortgage but want to change the one that you currently have? Whatever the situation may be, you should prepare yourself to be ready to ask questions, as you would if you were applying for other forms of credit, such as a guarantor loan
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How to get lenders to stop calling you
If you are experiencing difficulties with making repayments for a guarantor loan, payday loan or with a credit card, you are most likely to receive phone calls, letters or emails from your creditor or third party debt collectors contacting you in order to sort out getting back on track with your repayments. Whilst this is a normal step for lenders to take, as part of the process of what happens
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